Selasa, 19 April 2011

The Heritage of Indonesia

The Heritage of Indonesia project was established to capture the unique cultures of Indonesia and promote it to the worldwide.

The Urban Style

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011


She is cute, kind, and very polite. She has beautiful eyes. I like to shoot her because her eyes very attractive.


My start to fashion photography. I ask my friend to being my model and captures her to get my portfolio in Fashion. Well, she is kind and easy to taking good pose while I shoot her with my old 300D.

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Pariaman Night Life

Iseng-iseng tengah malam moto-moto sambil nunggu bola piala dunia, ketemu objek bagus, pasang tripod, klik-jepret!!

Through the trees

Pemandangan cantik ini diambil sore hari, ketika cahaya matahari masuk kedalam sela-sela pepohonan.

The colorful sky

Subhanallah indah nian langit sore itu, klik-jepret, dapat foto cantik ini. Pesan buat para photographer, selalu bawa kamera kemana-mana, kita tidak pernah tau apa yang terjadi dalam perjalanan kita.